Thursday, September 15, 2011

The is no place like home....

I have a passion for travel. I love experienceing new cultures, people and especially food! But I think one of the most significant attractions to traveling is the ability to come home. As exciting as it is to be absorbed with the high gloss, flashy streets of city life or the slow pace of a country fruit farm in the early stages of fall, neither have the familiarity of home. Creating a space that reflects your personality and interest can take time, but it is an appreciation for the process and the unexpected 'finds' that seperate your home from anothers.

In my latest preliminary 'internet' search for vacation hot spots, I came across  Asia de Cuba which is a boutique hotel in LA and South Beach, FL. During a typical day in my life, you can find me stressing to friends, clients, myself the importance of scale and proportion in a home. This hotel has thrown these design principles out the window and said, 'Hey look at us!'. There is an almost Alice and Wonderland feel to the space with the excentuated scale. With high gloss, columns triple the normal size and 30' entry doors it evokes a classy, unique travel experience. I give them credit on thinking outside the box and branching out, but like I said earlier....There's no place like home.

                                                             Mondrian Hotel

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Do you give your home or office permission to express some personality/convey a mood or feeling? Why are some people afraid of commitment to a pattern? Why did my gigantic tomato plants produce only one little fruit this summer? What should my Halloween costume be this year? These are the questions I ask myself as I work to create the "wow" spaces I design for people who ask for my advice. It's always the same...I tell them to just be themselves at their very best, to be open to new interpretations of their style, and to commit to what they love. Don't copy, incorporate.
Be unique and be bold. Be open to the happy accident- it's like cooking (and very unlike baking which requires a strict discipline to quantities and proportion.) Otherwise, you take all the joy out of the project. Do you have a favorite color? I do (clear!). There are no bad colors, only sad combinations or "bad dates".