Friday, September 2, 2011

Bringing the sparkle back


One of my favorite things about renovations is that everything is new and sparkles. When looking thru decor magazine, you don't see the layer of dust that accumulates so quickly. It is like interest on a credit card....if you don't keep up with it it just appears, to only cause trouble. Now we all know that we can't go out and buy new furnishings for each room whenever it gets dirty.

With the lower temps and windows being open, I determined to conquer the dust and make my place feel like new again! So instead of paying for 6 new venetian blinds, I put on my fancy gloves, took each down, placed them in my claw foot tub and start scrubbing. An hour later, with a little elbow and wrist action, I have regained the sparkle in my entire home. I can hear my married girlfriends right now shaking there heads and saying, "Only you would find the time to do this". But it is a great way to save money and remember, I am just following the steps of the great women before me. (It helps that I have a small place)

A new room is only a pair of fancy gloves and some elbow grease away!


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